We all want to change the world for the better—but is it possible to turn that desire to serve the common good into a stable and fulfilling career? Follow three young people as they explore careers in the public service sector.

We all want to change the world for the better—but is it possible to turn that desire to serve the common good into a stable and fulfilling career? Follow three young people as they explore careers in the public service sector.

Three young people interview public servants and seek out career paths that will allow them to change the world for the better.

Three young people interview public servants and seek out career paths that will allow them to change the world for the better.

Meet the roadtrippers and other inspiring people changing the world on a local, countrywide, and global level.

How do you build a better world? The roadtrippers see how people make little differences in people's lives that add up to big changes.

Change is always happening—the best we can do is influence that change in a positive direction. The roadtrippers meet leaders working to do just that, and reflect back on how they can do the same.

See how people are building a future with purpose through careers in public service.

Follow along as roadtrippers Chrisel, Christian, and Tamia travel throughout the country to discover how they can chart out unique roads to career success in the public service sector. Along the way, they see how people find personal fulfillment while doing their part to serve the greater good, in both their careers and personal lives.

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  • logo for Corporation for Public Broadcasting
  • Photo of logo for Strada Education Network

Insights from the Interviews

"What good have I done today? Always think positively about your life and how you can help."

Jacki Payne, Managing Attorney, Atlanta Legal Aid Society

"I advocate for everybody. I want everybody to win."

Director of Community Engagement, Human Rights Campaign

"It wasn’t about being the best, it was about putting my best foot forward."

Fire Chief, City of Oakland

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